Teach what you love, or just deepen your practice......

Take your yoga practice to the next level....Learn in a small and intimate group of like minded folks.

Become a registered yoga teacher through Yoga Alliance after completing this training program.

200 Hour Yoga Teacher Training Dates for 2024 -25

 Our next 200 Hour (In Studio) Teacher Training Begins Sept. 27, 2024

 runs for 8 (nonconsecutive) weekends:

Fridays 6-9pm, Saturdays 9-4pm, Sundays 11-4:30pm 

Sept.  27-30

Oct.  18-20

Nov. 15-17

Dec. 6-8

Jan. 3-5

Jan. 31- Feb.2 

Feb. 21-23 

Mar 7-9

Yoga is an ongoing investigation and opportunity to explore the deeper realms of ourselves and it’s a process for understanding how to reach our fullest potential. Whether you’ve been practicing for one year or thirty years, this inner quest can bring peace, tranquility and knowledge. Embracing these basic values is the starting point for becoming a great yoga teacher.


Because yoga is an on-going process for self-transformation, YOY’s teacher training program will help guide you into becoming a gifted instructor. One that has the ability to pass on ancient wisdom from our teacher and our teacher’s teachers. As an leader of yoga, you will become a role model in your community who can help to unlock the secrets to health, wellness and vitality.


Along with YOY’s 200-hour program, your own personal yoga practice is of equal importance so as to gain insight into how best to share the practice with others.


Are You Ready To Apply? 

Our program is open to serious students interested in taking their practice to the next level to become great teachers. The program is also open to current teachers who would like to expand and deepen their knowledge of yoga.

YOY’s 200-hour teacher training program will provide you with a solid foundation in the art and science of teaching yoga. Once you complete your training you will be able to register with Yoga Alliance as a Registered Yoga Teacher (RYT 200).


What Can You Expect?

* Expect to learn more than 70 asanas, including their alignment principles,   modifications, energetic actions, variations, contraindications, risks and benefits.


* Expect to learn various methods of pranayama (essential breathing techniques)  

  such as ujjayi, kapalabhati, bastrika, and nadi shodhana. 


* Expect to learn voice commands and the art of presenting material

that organically unfolds through pacing, tempo and duration.


* Expect to learn Meditation Practices and explore how to bring meditation into yoga classes and off the mat into everyday life.  


*Expect to learn the Gayatri Mantra and the meaning behind one of the oldest mantras in the yoga tradition.


* Expect to learn about the subtle body and the energy system of bandhas and the elements of yogic anatomy, including koshas, chakras, nadis, vayus, gunas, and doshas. 


* Expect to learn how to clearly define, design, and present a class with an arc flow of structured content.


* Expect to learn the art of hands–on adjustments, an essential tools in helping students to master their physical body.


* Expect to develop an appreciation for the different styles of yoga and different teaching methodologies.


* Expect to learn how to work with basic injuries, pregnancy and other specific student needs.


* Expect many discussions on yoga philosophy, yoga ethics, history and wisdom of yoga and Patanjali’s Yoga Sutras.


* Expect required readings from assigned books such as:

Instructing Hatha Yoga by Kappneier and Ambrosini

Bhagavad Gita translated by Eknath Easwaran

The Heart of Yoga by TKV Desikachar

Yoga Anatomy  by Leslie Kaminoff

Secrets of The Yoga Sutras by Pandit Rajmani Tingunait

various yoga related articles and hand outs


* Expect to learn the basics of opening a yoga studio and running a business.


* Expect to learn how to develop a theme-centered class according to seasonal changes, etc.


* Expect to grow, evolve and connect with like-minded trainees who all share the same passion and desire to serve in the healing arts profession.  


 The Seven Areas of Focus

1. Asana Technique & Teaching Methods: 

This part of the program is the most extensive as you will learn in detail at least 75 major poses, including alignment principles, energetic actions, risks, benefits, preparatory asanas, counterposes, variations, modifications, hands-on adjustments, and use of props for each one. We will be covering a variety of sun salutations, standing poses, backbends, forward bends, twists, arm balances, inversions, core refinement, and hip openers.


2. Yoga History & Philosophy: 

An overview of Patanjali’s Yoga Sutras and the eight limbs of Yoga. Also, an overview of the Bhagavad Gita.


3. Yoga Anatomy:

A hands-on introduction to functional anatomy, bio-mechanics, and the kinesiology of movement as applied to seeing students in the practice and guiding them in a meaningful, safe, and effective way. 


4. Planning & Sequencing Classes: 

The art and science of sequencing asanas for different levels of students, different intentions, seasons, styles and other considerations. Here we also cover pacing, duration, tempo, different levels and intentions of classes. 


5. Lifestyle & Ethics: 

How we live our lives off the mat, including personal yoga practice, nutrition, sleep, relations with family and friends, and being in community are essential aspects of deepening our yoga and sharing it with dignity and integrity.


6. Class Observation: 

Buy observing experienced teachers in their classes, you will further refine your insights into what different students are likely experiencing in their yoga practices, thereby expanding your own skills in leading classes. 


7. Practice Teaching: 

Be prepared to work with other participants to teach classes, starting with working one-on-one and gradually developing the confidence and skill to lead classes. Each practice teaching session includes extensive feedback and discussion of teaching techniques and methods. 


Tuition for the 200-hour Program is $2295. 

Full payment due prior or on the first day of class unless payment plan is scheduled


Mail with $300 application fee to: 

Yoga On York

6408 Sherwood Rd

Baltimore, MD  21239

Our training program meets on weekends only.

Fridays  6pm - 9pm

Saturdays 9am - 3:30pm

Sundays 11am - 4:30pm


200 Hour Yoga Teacher Training Certification Application
Email back to yogaonyork@gmail.com or mail a hardcopy to: Yoga On York, 6408 Sherwood Road, Idlewylde, MD. 21239
2022 YOYTT application 200hr .pdf
Adobe Acrobat Document 131.9 KB

Here what some of our participants from Yoga On York's 200 Hour Teacher Training have to say about the program!

2022 Graduates

2021 Graduates....

2020 graduates.....

2019 graduates.....

2017-18 graduates.....


And our 2016-17 YOYTT graduates......

YOYTT 2015-16 graduates....

And our 2014 - 2015 graduates....


And our first graduating class in 2013....